Sing Me Your Song Again Daddy - the LO
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The biggest challenge here is to find pictures of me & my dad. Though I managed to find a few, I had to do some restoration in photoshop.
Sing me your song again Daddy
Sing me a happy verse,
Teach me those clever rhyme you sung
As you carry me on your shoulder
Sing me that hymn that you so loudly
Sung in church with Mom,
Sing them again to me
And feel me, with all your words of wisdom
Comforting words of love when I
Would get home from school in tears
Somehow your songs will stay within me
Down through all the years
When my younger heart was broken
Your shoulder was there to cry on
Sing me those songs
I know we linger, long after you have gone
I am standing out the threshold of a chapter in my life
I am asking for your blessing
As I'm about to be the wife of a man I know
Who loves me and I'm proud to be his bride
Dad, a time has come for me to leave your side.
So sing me your song again Daddy,
Sing me your lullaby
Wrap me inside your arms Daddy,
To this is not good-bye,
Your songs we live forever in my arms
When times get rough
The once I most remember of your songs of love.
Your song we live forever in my arms
When times get rough
The once I most remember of your songs of love.